
Lamberts Yard, Dowding Way, North Farms Industrial Estate, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3AX


The Kent town of Tunbridge Wells is located  approximately 40 miles to the south east of central London and approximately 16 miles to the south of the M25 (junction 5). Neighboring towns include Sevenoaks approximately 12 miles to the north and East Grinstead approximately 14 miles to the west. A location plan is enclosed as an Appendix to this report.

The town has a district population of approximately 110,000 according to the latest census with the age of the population distributed broadly in line with the UK average although the town does have a significantly higher proportion of Wealthy Achievers approximately 2.5 times higher than the UK average. Main line rail services are provided from High Brooms station, close by, to London’s Charing Cross in approximately 45 minutes.

Dowding Way is located on the principle industrial estate of Tunbridge Wells. This road links The High Brooms Industrial Estate and the North Farms Industrial area, which are dissected by the railway line. Lamberts Yard is just off Dowding Way, and on the east side of the railway bridge.

The subject property is accessed over an adjoining cement plant yard, and we understand has a full right of way in this respect.


The various units comprise a range of styles of construction. The workshop, showroom and office element comprise concrete framed, single storey construction, with pitched roofs with cement tile coverings. Otherwise the open sided storage areas are basic structures of scaffold tubes with profiled steel metal roof sheet coverings. The yard area is principally made up of an asphalt hard standing surface.

We understand the property is connected to all main services, or does have the rights to do so.


The adjoining area is generally zoned for industrial use. The policy for development is described as follows:-

“Large-Scale Business Use (Class B1)”

Proposals for large-scale B1 light industrial development of 500 square metres gross floor space or greater should be located within the Economic Development Areas as defined on the Proposals Map.”

Directly to the east of the site there is a large area of open space and is subject to following policy:-

“Recreation Open Space”

Proposals that would result in the loss of recreation open space, as defined on the Proposals Map, or open land with existing or potential recreation value which is not protected by other policies in the Plan, will only be permitted where:

  1. No deficiency in accessible open space in the area exists or would result from the development, or alternative provision, of at least equivalent size, suitability and accessibility is made within the locality; and
  2. No suitable alternative previously-developed land is available to accommodate the development.

Floor Areas

The site area extends to approximately 0.5 acres (source: – Promap).

There are 6 distinct structures as follows:-

Unit 1 – Open Sided Storage –             480 sq ft

Unit 2 – Showroom Area –                   560 sq ft

Workshop 1 –                                       675 sq ft

Workshop 2 –                                       505 sq ft

Unit 3 – Workshop                                810sq ft

Unit 4 – Open Sided Storage 2910 sq ft

Unit 5 – Open Sided Storage 1540 sq ft

Unit 6 – Office Block                             780 sq ft

Totals –

  1. a) Workshop / Storage / Office areas – 3330 sq ft (309.36 sq m)
  2. b) Open – Sided Storage Areas – 4930 sq ft (458 sq m)
  3. c) Site Area – 0.5 acres



Guide Price


Business Rates

The property is described as “Store & Premises and has a Rateable Value of £24,000





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Property Details

Location: Tunbridge Wells
Description: A builders yard of approx. 0.5 acres with around 3330 sq ft of buildings and a further 4930 sq ft of open sided storage structures.
Size: 0.5 acres with approx. 8260 sq ft of covered areas
Tenure: Freehold
Price: Guide Price - £500,000
Rates: RV - £24,000
Service Charge: N/A
Terms: To be sold with vacant possesion

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22 Mount Ephraim Road,
Tunbridge Wells,
Kent. TN1 1ED

t: 01892 552 500 | f: 01892 535 526
e: office@durlings.co.uk

01892 552 500